The Ploug

In May the Celts would turn their sights toward the land and the seeds to be buried in hope and prayer.

They’d pull out their ploughs and pray these instruments be sturdy to do the good work ahead of them, keeping their promise to help produce life-giving food for the land.

Here’s a modern Blessing of the Plough adapted from an ancient blessing (and also happens to be a nice one for those prepping for Holy Trinity Sunday):

Blessed be, God of all creation.
Give softness to the land.
Give us skill to work the land.
This plough is sign to us of Your blessing.
Give us softness of heart.
Give us skill to serve You.
Blessed be God–Creator, Christ, and Spirit,
Three of Glory, Three of Light, Three of Life.
Blessed be the Bright Three forever.
God speed the plough.
God speed the plough.

-prayer from Llewellyn’s The Celtic Wheel of the Year

-painting by Anne Savage, “The Plough”